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You know what matters? Think of your time just before you die and are hopefully surrounded by your loved ones. What you discuss and with whom are what really matters. You might talk about your children or grandchildren; about their future.  

What matters is also about what you seek with all your heart, mind, and strength. These are the goals of the future since you are still seeking. You don’t seek what you already have. How do you seek? Seek with the end in mind as famous management guru Stephen Covey exhorts in 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. 

 Some think about eternity being a long time – in the future. Eternity is also about great quality – something enduring. It’s a quality we seek. 

 Sometimes we seek the wrong things. For example, most fisheries around the world are collapsing because the fishing industry raced to catch more fish faster. The goal was to make more profit now rather than taking a sustainable catch and continuing to make profit in the long term. Look at the Cod fishery on the east coast. Gone, and maybe not coming back! Similar stories could be told of cutting down trees. 

 I heard the analogy that profit to businesses is like blood to people. Essential, but not the purpose to seek. For people to seek more blood is seeking the wrong thing. People should seek meaning and purpose. Similar to businesses seeking more profit. They should seek to make the world a better place. Businesses that do so, will make a profit too. I am sure you can think of some examples. 

‘THEME of the WEEK’ “: What is your organization doing daily for our planet?