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Green Sky

Built for the future of our planet

At Green Sky, we're committed to guiding businesses and organizations towards strategies and decisions that honour our planet and its inhabitants. With a focus on clarity, ethics, and practical wisdom, we're passionate about delivering sustainability consulting and training that doesn't just tick the boxes for regulatory compliance but also carves a path for cost-effective, eco-conscious progress.

Green Sky empowers organizations to resolve the climate crisis through their collective climate actions.


Green Sky pioneers accessible, climate-smart strategies for all organizations, championing resilient and low-carbon futures.


Green Sky devises strategic solutions that advance climate action, nurture environmental guardianship, and enhance social and economic vitality.


At Green Sky, we hold a deep conviction that our Planet is a precious legacy, an invaluable inheritance we must safeguard for all People – our neighbours and the generations to come. Motivated by profound appreciation, we are committed to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and curbing overconsumption. We live by the ethos that our actions today sow the seeds for a better tomorrow.

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It is imperative that we all do our part to combat the climate crisis.

Our choices shape the future: responsible business practices are crucial not just for sustainability, but for forging a world where the impact of our actions is a positive legacy for all.

Take the first step towards a smaller footprint

Begin your sustainability journey—contact us to learn how our solutions can amplify your business performance and nurture a greener future.

Nelson Lee, P.Eng., CC-P | Founder Green Sky