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According to ChatGPT, the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears is one of the most popular and enduring fairy tales in Western culture. I like it’s ‘just right’ message. Not too much, not too little.  

We are living in a Goldilocks climate on a Goldilocks planet at a Goldilocks distance from our sun. The age and size of our sun make it a Goldilocks sun. It is located in a Goldilocks zone of the Milky Way Galaxy. We have a moon of Goldilocks size that stabilizes our rotation and our axis of rotation. The moon gives us tides and our orbit gives us seasons. Life is a gift. 

Just right also implies limits. The planet is a finite place. Our profit motive has been running out of control. That’s why we have a climate crisis. You might think limits are meaningless or too restrictive or they are for the weak. Unlimited growth on a finite planet is already showing how disastrous this thinking has been. Think of your favourite sport. There are boundaries and rules that limit activities. These limits make the sport meaningful and exciting. Now think of chemicals within your own body. Within limits, you’re healthy. Sugar too high or low is a big problem. Your temperature is within limits of just a few degrees. When was the last time you ate or drank too much? Perhaps you got too much sun or worked or played too hard? Would limits have benefited you? 

Make your list of limits that benefit you. Then reflect on how important limits are to imparting meaning to life. Maybe you have become successful by ignoring or exceeding some limits. Rethink what made you successful. Who paid the price for your success? Was it your family? Was it you? Are you living with limits? And remember, there is one limit none of us can cheat – your death and mine will come and what will matter then? 

‘THEME of the WEEK’ “: What is your organization doing daily for our planet?