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Benefits of offsetting from greenhouse gas removal enhancement projects 

Enhancing greenhouse gas removals is critical. The world is on track to emit more greenhouse gases than is consistent with a 1.5°C target. Removal enhancement projects give you more choices in offsetting that are effective and have a bigger impact than purely for profit. These types of offset projects are critical when the world has reduced its emissions as much as possible. We will need to suck carbon out of the atmosphere to return to a reasonable level such as 350 PPM CO2. We are currently at 420 PPM and rising 3+ ppm/year. 

What co-benefits to select? I prefer those that have strong planetary and societal co-benefits. My favourite ones are based in developing nations. These people tend to suffer the most from the climate change that they did not create. I see it as a social justice issue. It’s transferring money to buy their offsets that directly help them. Select the market segment you prefer. Clean technology includes:  

  1. more efficient cookstoves to consume less wood, with better indoor air quality  
  1. water purification that replaces boiling, benefitting health  
  1. biogas production from wastes for cooking 
  1. Solar and wind, micro grids, and energy storage are also included. 

My general favourites are solar and energy storage. This combo id more expensive initially but has so much potential for a better long-term future. Why wait? 

Join in the #GSSChallenge. This week’s theme is “What is one of your sustainability goals?”