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Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his number one New York Times bestselling book Be Useful, discovers that when you give, you receive. The Bible already had a similar message 2000 years ago “it is more blessed to give than to receive, Acts 20:35”.   


You must live in relationship with others and the planet. You have a connection to them like family. Indigenous people talk about “all my relations”.  


This has a lesson for you and me: You must live in a relationship with others and the planet. You have a connection to them like in a family. You need to make sure the planet and people are better off by what you do. That reminds me of a Boy Scouts motto about leaving our campgrounds better than we found them.  


Think of how you can change your work or your product to help the planet and improve lives. Can you make your organization about regenerating the planet? Or about making life better for those struggling in the climate crisis?  


How to find true meaning, purpose and enjoyment? Care for people and the planet. Only when your life is lived in proper relationships is there meaning. When you enjoy doing that and get good at it, all will benefit. You will then thrive and even flourish. 


‘THEME of the WEEK’ “: What is it that you consider when making choices?